Iraq1 (Desert Shield/Storm)
A couple years after the Desert Shield and Storm I started writing about
those adventures. Every 5yrs or so I’d get back to the project and write a
little more. Looking back 30yrs ago and seeing what I wrote and remembering the
details, it’s painfully obvious that I was a hot head, that I took everything
way too seriously. Everything was SO IMPORTANT, and often MUCH DRAMA was called
for. Everything that didn’t meet my satisfaction was an outrage that, in my
arrogance, I was determined to fix. Of course, you couldn’t have told me that at
the time. As a subordinate, I must have been a real pain in the ass. Being such
a nutjob, however, was fertile ground for adventures.
Desert Shield wasn't too hard to write about, but I've not had much success
writing about the months in Iraq and Kuwait after the ground war started. As
soon as we crossed the berm into Iraq, things got less entertaining.
Holy shit! My new Infantry Battalion
is going to war!
Tent City, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
The Desert.
The Main Body Arrives.
News clippings
Ground Units Not
Related links.
MAJ Mike Kinsey
MAJ French McLean