Henry Christopher Ehlers 

Personal Data:
Item Date Place/Description
Birth Bet. 19 Nov 1853 - 1854 Germany
Death 2 May 1924  

Personal Note(s):
Note Number Note Text
1 H.C. came in NY in 1867 at about 14 years old. In 1870 he moved to Sacramento (1870-80) with a visit to Whatcom county in 1873 when
he was 20. He went to NY in 1911 at the age of 59. He went to Alabama at age 66. He had many, many gold claims (at least 10), not 3. Other family members, including James Parker Ehlers, had gold claims in the same area. I have folders for each claim with the name(s) of those who filed and renewed the claims between 1897-1912. Nancy Dobbs was born in Tennessee, (January 12, 1857). She married HC on August 16, 1885. -Wayne Ehlers

I have a Physics book written by Henry (Pub 1911). Having taken 3 Sem of physics, God knows how many related engineering courses, and having continued reading a fair amount of physics, I can tell you with some limited authority that the book is incredible. Consider...He wrote this while on an isolated Farm doing back-breaking labor every day. The book absolutely astounds me. The man had to have one of the finest minds of the time. I only wish that I'd a ended up with more of it


Nancy Arminda Dobbs 
Event/Description Date Place/Status
Marriage 16 Aug 1885 Clearbrook, WA
Son: James Parker Ehlers Picture with This Person Born: 15 Oct 1887
Daughter: Laura Ehlers   
Son: Frederick Bernard Ehlers  Born: 12 May 1886
Son: John C. Ehlers  Born: 15 Oct 1887